Goods (2016)

Reading List


Appadurai, Arjun 1986 The social life of things. Commodities in cultural perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (especially the introduction & chapters by Kopytoff and Gell)

* Douglas, M. and B. Isherwood (1996 [1979]). The World of Goods B Towards an anthropology of consumption. London and New York, Routledge. (Esp. the introduction and ch. 3: “The uses of goods“)

* Graeber, D. (2011). “”Consumption”.” Current Anthropology 52(4): 489B511.

* Miller, D. (1995). “Consumption and Commodities.” Annual Review of Anthropology 24: 141B161.

Gregory, C. A. (1994). Exchange and reciprocity. Companion Encyclopedia of Anthropology B Humanity, Culture and Social Life. T. Ingold. London and New York, Routledge: 911B940. (Esp. the parts that distinguish goods and commodities)

Case studies:

* Miller, D. (1997). CocaBCola: a black sweet drink from Trinidad. Material Cultures. London, UCL Press/University of Chicago Press: 245B263.

* Nash, J. (2007). “Consuming Interests: Water, Rum and CocaBCola from Ritual Propitiation to Corporate Expropriation in Highland Chiapas.” Cultural Anthropology 22(4): 621B639.

* Reed, A. (2007). ‘Smuk is king’: the action of cigarettes in a Papua New Guinea Prison. Thinking through things B Theorising artefacts ethnographically. London and New York, Routledge.

* SheperBHughes, N. ([2007] 2005). The Last Commodity: PostBHuman ethics and the Global Traffic in “Fresh” Organs. Global Assemblages B Technology, Politics, and Ethics as Anthropological Problems. A. Ong and S. J. Collier. Malden, US; Oxford, UK and Victoria, Australia, Blackwell.

Weiss, B. (2012). “Configuring the authentic value of real food: FarmBtoBfork, snoutBtoBtail, and local food movements.” American Ethnologist 39(3): 614B626.

Further Reading:

Bestor, T. C. (2001). “SupplyBSide Sushi: Commodity, Market, and the Global City.” American Anthropologist 103(1): 76B 95.

Classen, C. (1996). Sugar Cane, CocaBCola and Hypermarkets B Consumption and surrealism in the Argentine Northwest. CrossBCultural Consumption. D. Howes. London and New York, Routledge: 39B55.

Comaroff, J. (1996). The Empire’s Old Clothes: Fashioning the Colonial Subject. CrossBCultural Consumption. D. Howes. London and New York, Routledge: 19B39.

Copeman, J. (2009). “Introduction: Blood Donation, Bioeconomy, Culture.” Body & Society 15(2): 1B28. (and other articles in this special issue)

Newell, S. (2013). “Brands as masks: Public secrecy and the counterfeit in Côte d’Ivoire.” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 19(1): 138B154.

Ries, N. (2009). “Potato Ontology: Surviving Postsocialism in Russia.” Cultural Anthropology 24(2): 181B212. Sharp, L. (2001). “The commodification of the Body and its Parts.” Annual Review of Anthropology 29: 287B328